
HAGAD – New Dates

Due to a conflict with the Flying NZ regional comps and SAA Balck Sands Fly-In, both of which will have attendees that may wish to attend our Have a Go at Aerobatics Days as well, we have moved the event along one weekend, to November 19-21.
The registration page reflects the new dates – please register your interest to attend (free for instructors!) and let ‘your people’ (students/interested mates) know too.
And, within the limitations of rosters etc, let me know if you intend to come along, and for what days. I would like to make a plan of who (wannabes) can fly with who (instructors), as we have 25 registered attendees already – should be fun!
HAGAD – New Dates2021-09-27T13:15:55+13:00

Have a Go at Aeros Days (HAGAD!)

As you might have expected, due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding the Delta Covid situation we have decided to move our “Have a Go at Aerobatics Day” event to our back-up dates, as follows:

Venue Mercer Airport

NOW November 12/13/14th

Time All day, each day
Sequences Whatever you want to fly.

$40 per day for flyers (incl. lunch).

Instructors free.

(Aircraft hire and landing fees extra.)

Hopefully, we will be in Level 2 (or better) by mid-November – the weather should be warmer and more predictable too. 
Thank you to those who have already registered – there is a real buzz around this weekend, with over 20 attendees (and some cool planes) already registered.
Please rebook your planes, leave and accommodation for these new dates.
Contact me for any more info.
Grant  – 0210629929  / [email protected]
Have a Go at Aeros Days (HAGAD!)2021-09-21T19:55:53+12:00
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