The Executive of the NZ Aerobatic Club is committed to the safe and responsible continuation of aerobatic competitions and training/coaching events during the COVID-19 Pandemic, observing any mandates or guidelines put in place by the NZ Government under the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) as is current at the time.
The Executive is also cognisant of the possible long-term effects of Covid-19 infection on the pilot and ATC members, many of whom rely on maintaining their medical for employment.
Airport operators, aeroclubs and social venues used by the NZAC have put in place requirements for users entering facilities to follow. Therefore, this must also be considered when setting the NZAC requirements for a competition or training camp, particularly when indoor briefings are required.
It is the responsibility of all competitors, officials, volunteers, and spectators to ensure we all act in a manner to minimise the threat of the ongoing transmission and spread of the virus, by following the NZ Government mandates, rules and guidelines in place at the time, as well as complying with NZAC participation requirements during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Additionally, airport operators, aeroclubs and social venues have the right to apply additional requirements, which shall be notified to attendees and must also be complied with.
The recommendations for healthy personal behaviours include:
- Regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands or use a hand sanitiser.
- Sneeze and cough into your elbow.
- Keep your distance from people you do not know.
- Clean or disinfect shared surfaces often.
- If you have a cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, stay home and get a test.
Covid Protection Framework (CPF) Guidance
All competitions and training/coaching events are deemed ‘Gatherings’ by the Executive, under the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
The COVID-19 Protection Framework outlines three different settings which may be prescribed for a geographical area – Green, Orange or Red. Each setting places restrictions on the number of attendees at a Gathering and may therefore restrict attendance at NZAC Gatherings.
NZAC Participation Policy
While respecting the rights of all members/attendees to have the choice to be vaccinated or un-vaccinated, the Executive wishes to be inclusive in safely encouraging all members to participate in club gatherings regardless of vaccination status, in a manner which exceeds the current requirements of the CPF but with a minimal imposition on any attending member.
In this regard, participation at all NZAC-sanctioned events operating under the CPF shall be in accordance with the following:
Activity definition | Gathering |
Gathering Attendees* | Green – max 100 attendees |
Orange – max 50 attendees | |
Red – max 25 attendees | |
Health Verification | · My Vaccine Pass, OR
· -48-hour Negative Covid Test (PCR or Rapid Antigen Test) |
*Attendees include competitors, officials/volunteers, and proximate spectators.
Privacy and kindness
Upon entry to any NZAC event venue, attendees must be prepared to present to the Organiser, CD, or delegated official evidence of their Health Verification as detailed above (not currently required for children under 12years of age).
The NZAC will NOT retain any record of the attendee’s vaccination or health status and shall only record the Health Verification has been sighted.
At any NZAC event, attendees will show kindness and respect to other attendees’ personal health choices.