
About zeebob

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So far zeebob has created 24 blog entries.

2022/2023 Sequences Added

We have updated our sequences page with the 2022/2023 Known and Free sequences.

Examples of some of these sequences being flown are also available!

2022/2023 Sequences Added2022-04-22T12:05:33+12:00

HAGAD – New Dates

Due to a conflict with the Flying NZ regional comps and SAA Balck Sands Fly-In, both of which will have attendees that may wish to attend our Have a Go at Aerobatics Days as well, we have moved the event along one weekend, to November 19-21.
The registration page reflects the new dates – please register your interest to attend (free for instructors!) and let ‘your people’ (students/interested mates) know too.
And, within the limitations of rosters etc, let me know if you intend to come along, and for what days. I would like to make a plan of who (wannabes) can fly with who (instructors), as we have 25 registered attendees already – should be fun!
HAGAD – New Dates2021-09-27T13:15:55+13:00

Have a Go at Aeros Days (HAGAD!)

As you might have expected, due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding the Delta Covid situation we have decided to move our “Have a Go at Aerobatics Day” event to our back-up dates, as follows:

Venue Mercer Airport

NOW November 12/13/14th

Time All day, each day
Sequences Whatever you want to fly.

$40 per day for flyers (incl. lunch).

Instructors free.

(Aircraft hire and landing fees extra.)

Hopefully, we will be in Level 2 (or better) by mid-November – the weather should be warmer and more predictable too. 
Thank you to those who have already registered – there is a real buzz around this weekend, with over 20 attendees (and some cool planes) already registered.
Please rebook your planes, leave and accommodation for these new dates.
Contact me for any more info.
Grant  – 0210629929  / [email protected]
Have a Go at Aeros Days (HAGAD!)2021-09-21T19:55:53+12:00

Subs Renewal (2021/2022)

Subscriptions for the 2021-22 season are unchanged and now due. You must be a financial member of the New Zealand Aerobatic Club to participate in club events and receive the E-newsletter.

Subs Renewal (2021/2022)2021-09-19T12:22:57+12:00

Aerobatic Turn Arounds

Competition aerobatics are flown inside a 1km by 1km box, affectionately known as ‘the box’. Aerobatic sequences are designed to keep aircraft within the box utilising manoeuvres that continuously reverse the direction of flight.

Click on any of the images to open this article

Aerobatic Turn Arounds2021-09-19T00:02:37+12:00

2019 NZAC Nationals

Ever wondered what it’s like getting involved with competition aerobatics? Paul Curran writes this article detailing his first experience at our 2019 Nationals event.

Click on any of the images to open this article

2019 NZAC Nationals2021-09-18T23:56:45+12:00

Aerobatic Pre-flights for Pilots

Every pilot knows the importance of a thorough pre-flight… but for aerobatics we take it a step further… for obvious reasons! In this episode, Grant covers the in’s and out’s of an aerobatic pre-flight.

Click on any of the images to open this article

Aerobatic Pre-flights for Pilots2022-11-22T21:42:37+13:00

Aerobatic Sequence Design Part 2

Grant has started writing articles for KiwiFlyer. In this first episode, Grant ponders a philosophical discussion on ‘Why Aerobatics’ and then looks at some ideas on how to get started.

Click on any of the images to open this article

Aerobatic Sequence Design Part 22021-09-18T23:49:41+12:00
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